





disc of the day

Album: Fantastic Negrito - Have You Lost Your Mind Yet?
There’s another riot going on in the USA

Macabre humour and ghoulish killings make this a highly bingeable series

Jake and Hannah Graf are Britain's first parents who are both transgender

Evocative history of the Los Angeles musical community in the Sixties and Seventies

Eva Green reaches for the stars while raising a daughter in a sober space movie

Deceptive seaside psychothriller-cum-fairytale heralds the arrival of a gifted director

Russell Crowe's vigilante movie needs more than sadism and savagery
new music

There’s another riot going on in the USA

Undiluted box-set salute to punk-era Northern Ireland

Thoughtful Balearic dance-pop adds up to a delicious, easy going summer listen

As the Salzburg Festival flourishes, a Texan in Austria welcomes a musical rebirth

Stellar Antipodeans, English late romanticism and Soviet ballet music

Sonority first in Debussy and Musorgsky, plus profound Brahms cello-and-piano surprises

Scottish Opera's digital content producer on making 'The Narcissistic Fish'

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Athena Stevens’s punchy account of how an airline trashed her wheelchair

Polly Findlay's 2015 take on Shakespeare's trickiest comedy pays dividends

Jason Robert Brown's abstract musical offers resonant tales of the unexpected

Ballet or cabaret, Zizi's passion was for performance - preferably with her husband

Continents collide in a film documenting an inspired re-staging of a 20th-century masterpiece

The director Richard Macer had exclusive access to the male stars of the Royal Ballet. He describes what he discovered

More of an erudite lecture than a show

Short season of outdoor gigs opens

Classy outdoor entertainment

Challenge The Authority in this 'Mad Max on mushrooms' renegade romp

Chainsawing the brain-eaters as you battle against the tide of the undead

Few fresh ideas means this movie adaptation treads the same old ground

A sumptuous display from the Royal Collection heralds a top class reopening

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A celebration of little known Spanish painters as the London art world emerges again
Tweets about theartsdesk
Hidden was a revelation to me, after watching a...
I was fortunate enough to see this exhibition...
“Centre-Right” ?? How centrist is it to reject...
Thakn you so much for this comprehensive and...
You missed the whole point. This series was not...
江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处_中国经济网 ...:2021-12-9 · 扬子晚报网12月8日讯(通讯员 曾耿 记者 朱鼎兆)嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为了招揽学生上网消费,他在 ...
The predictable mixture of mediocrity, especially...
A great review of what was a sorry, petty look at...